Take Apart Pallets Faster
Build your vision, NOT your frustration. Get to the finish line of your project quickly and with ease.
why buy the pallet popper?
Because our product has been repeatedly tested and modified to get the best we can out of the tool, you can expect:
Less wood will break when you use it
Your pallet will come apart more easily
Taking apart a pallet will be 10x faster than a hammer or crowbar
You can get to the fun part of your project faster

choose your pallet popper
Our Most Economical Popper
If you love to build crafty stuff, and need a fun and fast supply of pallet wood to do it, then this is the popper for you.
It has all the features you need to easily reclaim pallet wood, save the most boards, save the most time, use the least effort, and spend the least time on-your-knees pulling out nails!
THE homesteader
Our Most Popular Popper
The Homesteader Popper does everything The Crafter does, but also features machined, tapered toes which really helps to wedge between barn-boards and corral boards.
It also features a solid grip coating on the handle so you can work outside in less ideal conditions, and a “school-bus yellow” finish to make it easier to find when working outside.
THE heavy duty
Our STRONGEST Pallet Popper
The HEAVY DUTY POPPER has all the features of the Crafter and Homesteader, with the addition of high-strength steel used in the shoe. The result is a popper shoe that is 300% stronger for those industrial size applications!
It also features a drain hole at the bottom of the handle to prevent frost damage from water accumulation, ‘cause this popper goes to work with you, regardless of the weather!
How to use
The “secret” of any popper is in the geometry of the design. To take full advantage of this, it is important to insert the popper as far into the board as you can.
This ensures the least damage possible to the board and also requires the least amount of force from you.
If you can only get it part way in, loosen the board as best you can, then reposition the Popper in all the way.
Popping an outside edge of a board last, can cause the last fasteners to act like a hinge, and cause the loose end of the board to swing up and surprise you.
Even though your popper is easy to use because of it’s unique geometry, the board you are releasing is held on with a tremendous amount of resistive force. It is important to think ahead about how the board may “spring” as it is released.
On the typical pallet board that is fastened on both outside edges as well as in the middle, it is much safer to first release one edge, then the other, and lastly the middle.
Remember, your popper is unusually good at removing the nails along with the board. This is one reason why you can save so many boards ; because nail pull-through is minimized.
The result is that as the board comes free, it also includes projecting nails, and you MUST PLAN AHEAD to STAY SAFE.
Popping the edge last can cause the last fasteners to act like a hinge, and cause the loose end of the board to swing up and surprise you.
Give thought to how you can keep the pallet from moving as you remove the boards one after another. The SLENDER DESIGN of the Popper is VERY INTENTIONAL, and is meant to allow you to start removing boards from the centre of the pallet first, then work your way to the last board on the outside. This way, you can always stand on the pallet and help direct the force of the popper to the target board, and thus minimize the pallet’s tendency to shift around. Then face the other way, and once again starting from the middle, work your way to the outside, this time standing on the bottom of the pallet.
Your Popper includes a convenient and easy to use nail puller. Take the time to pull the stubborn stay-behind-nails as soon as they are exposed. It is easier than tripping on them later.

why buy from us
We care about your success. We want you to have the energy to finish your project, not get frustrated with the intermediate steps!
We love seeing people discover that they can do a LOT more than they imagined they could!
The Pallet Popper is Alberta-based, Canadian owned & manufactured. We use Canadian sourced materials, such as steel from Manitoba.